Who I am. . .

My photo
Santa Rosa/Chacala, California/Nayarit/Mexico, United States
I live and teach the Toltec Path of Personal Transformation through the articles, audios, and online apprentice program on my website at www.joydancer.com, phone consultations, workshops, Journeys of the Spirit to Teotihuacán in Mexico, and teleclasses. I am the author of The Everything Toltec Wisdom Book, and co-author of two books with Deepak Chopra, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dean Ornish, Bernie Siegel, Prince Charles, and others. I own a home in the sweet little beach village of Chacala, Nayarit, Mexico, and spend the winters there. I invite students to do intensive study with me there, and host a Valentine's Week workshop on Love, Romance, and Relationship each year.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Non-Judgment Day (The Un-Rapture)

Are you disappointed or relieved that the rapture didn't happen on May 21? Well, it is actually postponed, but here are some more thoughts on how to go to Heaven on Earth (the rapture for the rest of us)... and more.

(If you would like to read any of my previous newsletters, they are archived here.)

Now that May 21 has passed, and the Rapture has been postponed until October 21, life is good. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, I assure you, it really doesn't matter! However, I've been fascinated by the Rapture predictions, and learned so much reading about how people's faith is invested through emotions and not logic. When a major biblical prediction doesn't happen, people don't re-think their logic, they wait for some emotional experience to actually strengthen their faith. Very interesting.

I wonder how many of us have our faith invested in our ability to control the outcome of life, death, love, relationships, religions, parenting, and other things we believe we can control and manage...? If someone (like me) comes along and suggests that we have never controlled the outcome of one single thing in our lives... well, would you open your logic to listen, or let the emotional reaction to the idea close you to it?

Most humans live with a Judging voice in their minds that is always questioning them, criticizing them, second guessing them, and reminding them they aren't good enough the way they are. Being eternally judged sounds like Hell to me! And it is. Hell On Earth. Most humans are living in Hell On Earth, and billions of them are dreaming of going to some heaven, somewhere, some day.

All the gods created in the image of humans constantly judge us. Their rules are always about us being better than we are, doing more, behaving better, meeting some lofty standards, before we can be lifted up to a place of love and acceptance-- IF we meet the standards. It's a lot like bargaining for love in childhood, and a lot like Santa Claus: "Be good, get reward; be bad, get punished."

An apprentice in the chat room of our Online Toltec Community ($1) asked, "What's keeping me out of Heaven?" He was referring to Heaven on Earth offered by teachers throughout the ages. Here is what I answered:

What's keeping you out of heaven is you asking, "What's keeping me out of heaven?" Asking the question affirms your belief you should be different than you are, that you haven't achieved the goal yet. You scoff at the "heaven" of religions, and then invest your faith in some idea of spiritual perfection that will be rewarded when you reach it. So your attention is hooked on the question, which shows your faith is invested in controlling the outcome, and the doors to heaven are closed.

You will only be free when you have de-invested your faith in the illusion you can control the outcomes, and invest it in your trust of life itself. More on the subject in a future newsletter, and in my newsletter archives here.

Want to go to Heaven on Earth? Do your own rapture:

Definition of "RAPTURE:"

1 -- an expression or manifestation of ecstasy or passion
2 -- a state or experience of being carried away by overwhelming emotion
3 -- a mystical experience in which the spirit is exalted to a knowledge of divine things

Let the "overwhelming emotion" be a love of the divine AS YOU. Enter into a blissful romance with YOU. Be carried away by that love. Feel the ecstasy and passion of that romance. Enter a mystical experience with the knowledge of your beautiful perfection as a unique manifestation of the divine, right here and right now, perfect in every way. The divine/consciousness/god/love/life is not asking you to change or improve-- know you are perfect right here, right now. And you will, indeed, be transported to Heaven on Earth-- every moment you remember this truth of who you are!

Make today and every day,
Non-Judgment Day!!

Many blessings on us all this Memorial Day and always. No matter what your beliefs, may you have a wonderful day each and every day, happy in Heaven because you are choosing love over judgment, and celebrating the joy of the divine Life that animates you.

Be a JOYdancer, dancing in Joy with Life!

And so it is.



Step into the Dream of Heaven on Earth right here in our Online Toltec Community. This is a place to study, learn, let go of the Hell in your Mind, and meet others on the same journey! I look forward to supporting you as you claim your freedom, and answering your questions in the chat room!


The above article was one of Allan's "Joydancer Weekly Word and News" newsletters. If you would like to receive inspirational newsletters like this, sign up here

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Wisdom of the Human Body

The human body is a walking, talking miracle. Most of what is happening in your body as you read this has nothing to do with your conscious mind. Your heart is sending blood and nutrients to the trillions of cells in your body, air is moving in and out of your lungs, your liver is regulating blood sugar, your wounds are being healed, you are reading and comprehending the symbols on this page, and countless other processes are being directed by your body itself.

If your conscious mind were in charge of the processes of your body, it would stop working in just a few moments. You would not be able to keep up with all the details. There is a life force present in your body that knows what it needs to do, and it does it well. It has matured your body from the first moment of conception, maturing through puberty, right up until this moment. You, as the awareness reading this, are here, able to do what you do, because of the body you created and maintain.

The Toltec Warrior develops a loving communication with his body, and listens to its wisdom. He respects his body, and is mindful of his body's needs for good-quality food, exercise, and rest-- and does his best to keep it free from toxic substances and thoughts. He listens to his body, and refrains from overriding its messages with medications or denial. The warrior loves, accepts, and respects his body, in recognition of the important partnership between himself as both Spirit and Matter.

Write and repeat an affirmation like this: "My body is a gift from Life. I express my gratitude to life by caring for this body the best way I know how. It is the instrument through which I enjoy the abundance of food, sunshine, air, love, and everything that I do. Thank you, Life."

~ An excerpt from The Everything Toltec Wisdom Book, by Allan Hardman

To purchase this book in the Joydancer Store, click here. 

Discover how ancient and modern Toltec wisdom can change your life! Visit Joydancer's thriving spiritual community of men and women all over the world enjoying the Toltec path to personal freedom - http://ToltecOnline.com

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Note About Surrender

An apprentice wrote to me recently with the following:

         "I lie in bed all the time, frustrated and angry because I am not changing. I know you say to "Surrender," but I have yet to figure out what this means."

My answer:

When I say, "surrender," I mean let go of trying to be any different than you are. The biggest obstacle to your changing is your desire (and Judge's insistence) to change. Nobody ever improved or was more loving to themselves because of being judged. And nobody ever will.

Your only hope is to accept yourself just as you are: laying in bed, discouraged, beaten, defeated, hopeless, not participating in life, venting, wishing for the bottom, and listening to your Judge telling you that you should have changed by now and get up and get going!

To surrender is to say, "Yup, I am living god's truth of this unique manifestation of God's love. I accept it as it is, I accept me as I am. I will no longer fight it, make it wrong, or complain to God that it isn't fair. I will stop being angry about it (unless that's how God needs me to be), I will be grateful for each moment of how God expresses itself through this bit of creation. And I'll lay right here in bed doing it, until God is done with that part of this story and gets me up."

To surrender is to acknowledge you -- human mind and body-- aren't actually in charge, or you would have a very different life than the one God is manifesting you as.

The battle is over, the fight is done. Wave the White Flag of Peace, and humbly and gratefully stay in bed until God's alarm rings.

At least you'll be happier while you're laying there.

Much Love.



 It is my passion in life to help people accept themselves just the way they are, and just the way they are not, so that they can live a happier life no matter what their circumstances. I want to help you fall in love with yourself, your life, and with this present moment. Get in touch - allanh@sonic.net  or (707) 528-1271. http://joydancer.com

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Blessings on Mother's Day

I heard someone complain at the Mother's Day card rack the other day, about how "these holidays are just trumped up by the card companies to make me spend my money on cards!" Well, could be true, I suppose, but there we were, choosing cards for our mothers.

I wanted to send a special card to my mother. I shared in a newsletter last month that my mother (95) was ailing and hospitalized-- I'm happy to say she is back in her home, well cared for, and actually beginning to like it. It is very important for me that she knows I love her and am grateful for my life. Sure, I can complain about the deficiencies and cluelessness of my childhood-- yup, been there, done that, lots of good therapy.

What my mother needs to know is she did a great job. I tell her wonderful stories about my client successes, my gardens, and friends... and tell her none of it would have been possible without her. True? Yes, in it's own way. She fed me for years... now I am feeding her. She is going to leave this life, possibly soon, believing she was a successful mother. It doesn't cost me anything.

I sent Mom pictures in her card-- of me teaching at a workshop, sitting in my garden, hugging apprentices, and posing in various places. She'll be able to take responsibility for whatever she values in those photos.

So, I'm grateful to whoever thought of Mother's Day and made cards... and helped me feel guilty all those years my rebel self didn't send them! Now, there is no resistance to sharing my love in whatever form I can.

So on this special day of the mother, let us gather together in honor of The Mother. Let us honor our own mothers, present or passed, with gratitude for the lives they gave us. Let us honor the mother in those among us who have been mothers, those who are yet to be mothers, and those who choose not to be mothers.

On this day let us honor the mother within each of us-- the spiritual feminine within that loves, accepts, and nurtures all parts of us exactly as we are.

Let us also use this time to remember our love and gratitude for our Mother Earth, from whom we are created and who loves and supports us with every breath, every bite, and every gasp of delight at the sight of a perfect spring rose.

At this time of the mother, let us be grateful for Life.

And so it is


I'm so grateful to be able to share with you here. My life and work at Joydancer and TACO (my online spiritual and networking community) are all dedicated to helping us learn and remember the truth of our oneness as the Divine essence that creates and animates this universe... and each part of it in each moment. Including me and you!

I am available by phone, Skype, and e-mail if you would like support for your life journey. I look forward to hearing from you.

Details about consultations and apprenticeship are here.

Allan Hardman
Santa Rosa, CA Office: 707-528-1271

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Warrior Becomes a Ghost ~ Dancing at the Edge of The Dream

"There is a pausing point on this journey when the new warrior realizes she is passing through a portal that leads her beyond the dream of the planet. She knows she is sacrificing her connection to everything that she knows and brings her comfort. By the time she reaches this point on her journey, the warrior is well aware of what she is about to do when she passes through the portal.

There is no way the warrior can know the full extent of her sacrifice until she makes it. She steps through the portal, leaves the dream of the planet... and become a ghost. She walks in the same physical world, but is now separate from it. It is a moment she has been working toward, looking forward to, and fearing. She is free to live her life to the fullest degree possible, but the warrior also knows she now lives in a different world from almost every other human. She dreams differently, and her life will never be the same. This is the sacrifice the Eagle Warrior makes, in order to receive her gift: the dream of heaven on earth."

~ An excerpt from The Everything Toltec Wisdom Book, by Allan Hardman

Are you intrigued by this journey of the "new warrior?" This is the journey we undertake this October at the sacred pyramid complex of Teotihuacán, Mexico. Join us, break free of the world being dreamed into existence by most humans, and step into your own dream of Heaven on Earth!

For details about this journey, "Dancing at the Edge of The Dream, click here:

Taking Easter Within

This was written for Easter Sunday, April 24, 2011.

Our story so far: On Palm Sunday we celebrated the arrival in our awareness of that Christ Consciousness that knows the truth of the perfection of each and every part of this universe-- including ourselves.

Good Friday, the day of the crucifixion and our movement to a higher state of consciousness, invited us to find that place of true forgiveness-- the one that says, "I know there is nothing to forgive, because we are all doing our best in a universe that is unfolding perfectly."

And now, three days after Jesus is crucified and laid in a tomb, he returns to his body and moves about his earthly world for forty days. This event is very important in the Christian tradition, and established the belief in Jesus as the true and powerful son of God. Without the resurrection, Jesus might have simply remained a respected teacher or prophet.

The tradition of resurrection and rebirth has been a human experience for many thousands of years-- and reflects the need to have faith in a story of death and rebirth. The name "Easter" even comes from the name of an early goddess of fertility, Eastre, who was celebrated at the spring equinox. Because of the spring orientation of these celebrations there has always been an emphasis on eggs, new chicks, rabbits, and other symbols of fertility.

(None of this seems fair to those living in the southern hemisphere where the seasons are reversed, but I will have to leave them to deal with that).

Perhaps we can use this time and this story to inform our own personal spiritual journey. The crucifixion is symbolic to us dying to an old way of being. In the tomb of our winter of sleep we begin our transformation, and when we have reached our new understanding we arise and are born into the spring of a new life. If our transformation is complete, we will claim our identity as the Christ Conscious, the Divinity that creates and animates our human experience. We will be re-born. We will have power over the dream of life and death.

The good news is we don't have to die, or even suffer, to be resurrected. Every moment we deny a lie or limitation in our minds, every time we choose love over fear, every step we take toward claiming the ultimate truth of who and what we are-- represents a rolling away of the stone of our imprisonment. We have the potential to awaken and return to the world knowing the Truth, and sharing it with those who can see.

            "...the Father is in me, and I am in the Father."

At this Easter time, and always, may we each use the power of Life and the Christ Consciousness within to deny the limiting beliefs and fears that roll the stone of darkness against our tomb.

May the light shine with us into those dark moments and help resurrect us into the constant truth of who and what we are:

We are all the sons and daughters of Life, belonging here, gifts to the universe from the Life that brought us.

Let us rejoice and Dance in Joy and Gratitude with Life.

We are, after all, Joydancers! (.com)

Happy Easter

I hope you find lots of eggs.

IN love.

Taking Good Friday Within

This was written for Good Friday, April 22, 2011.

Last week I wrote about Palm Sunday and how we could understand some of the story of Jesus as metaphors for our relationship with Life. I suggested we could receive the Palm Sunday story as a metaphor for the Christ Consciousness (force of life) within us, and we could use it to ask ourselves, "How am I receiving and using the power of Life within me? Am I at war with my world, using my power to try to change and control the outside world to my liking? Or am I using Life to bring myself into harmony and loving acceptance with What Is?"

The story continues: This Friday before Easter is called Good Friday. In the story, it marks the day Jesus was "betrayed" by Judas in the garden and Jesus was condemned and crucified.

We should first note that the "Good" doesn't mean anyone thought it was good to crucify someone. Sometimes the day is called "Black Friday," or "Holy Friday." The word "Good" is a translation from a word that means "pious" or "holy." The day is celebrated in most Christian churches with solemn ceremonies of prayer and meditation.

Jesus was betrayed by Judas. Or, maybe not. There is good evidence that Judas was the closest to Jesus. He was the treasurer of the disciples, and had been with Jesus for his entire ministry. I believe that Jesus offered the task of fulfilling the prophesies to his most beloved apprentice, both of them knowing that Judas would be sacrificing himself among his peers and throughout history.

Inside many of us there are parts like Jesus and Judas. The Christ Consciousness (Life, Love, Perfection, Divinity) is "in this world but not of it." The Judas part must deny and betray that truth of our nature in order for us to fulfill our destiny as humans here. That consciousness must go to sleep and dream it's a human body/mind organism searching for connection with its own Divinity.

Jesus was charged with "crimes" he did not commit. Recognize that in your inner world? Or from your childhood? Our outer and inner judges keep making us wrong for who we are, what we do as who we are, and for not changing who we are to create different behaviors and outcomes. Strange, but true. Jesus didn't answer the charges, because he had deliberately created the entire scenario, knew where it was going, and needed all the players just as they were.

And then Jesus was crucified. The ultimate punishment. And from that place of human pain, humiliation, and physical suffering, he said what I believe is the most powerful teaching of the entire story:

"Father forgive them for they know not what they do."

What an amazing teaching! For me it says, "I know the world is unfolding exactly as it is. I am a part of this play, this drama, on this stage, and I accept my part and the parts of others. I am not a victim and these are not my perpetrators. We are all together here, and nobody is to blame." Wow. The Christ Consciousness within us knows this same truth. How can we embrace our own inner betrayers of our truth and honor this kind of forgiveness within...?

Can you see that you and everyone in your life is doing their best being them, and so forgive yourself and them because there is nothing to forgive? What a powerful teaching!

We can see the symbol of the Crucifixion as an initiation into a higher state of consciousness. We are invited to release our limited identification with our body/mind -- a sort of spiritual annihilation of self into the realization of our true nature. As the denser material of a candle yields to the purifying flame... we are reborn into our own divinity-- right here on planet earth!

It's a pretty good story. And we all can live it.

IN love.

Blessings on Palm Sunday

This was written on Palm Sunday, April 17, 2011.

Good morning, and blessed Palm Sunday to you.

Yesterday I asked some church going folks around me here at my Mom's what Palm Sunday meant, and the people I asked realized they really didn't know. So I did a bit of reading and thinking about it, and want to offer you this:

Palm Sunday represents the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Up until that time he had discouraged his disciples from talking about his work and miracles, but now he told them (after recently raising Lazarus from the dead) to go and proclaim his power. He told them where to find a donkey, and her colt who had never been ridden. They put their cloaks on the colt and he used that "virgin" animal to ride into the city.

Donkeys represent peace. Warriors who are conquering or celebrating conquests ride into a city on a decorated prancing horse. Jesus rode a donkey draped in humble cloaks. He came as a King, celebrated, not to conquer by force like earthly kinds, but by his love and grace demonstrating the truth of who we are as Spirit, Life, God, Love. His goal was to conquer hearts and minds, not nations.

Of course most everyone misunderstood Jesus' mission, still wanting him to be the powerful kind that would liberate them from the occupation and rule of the Romans at that time. When they saw he wasn't going to use his power to meet their earthly needs, they turned on him, and the result was the trial and ultimate punishment through crucifixion.

If we receive this story as a metaphor for the Christ energy (force of life) within us, we can use it to ask ourselves, "How am I receiving and using the power of Life within me? Am I at war with my world, using my power to try to change and control the outside world to my liking? Or am I using Life to bring myself into harmony and loving acceptance with What Is?"

Miguel Ruiz' Circle of Fire Prayer ends with: "I will respect all creation as a symbol of my love communion with the one who created me." For me this says that when I accept and actively love every person, event, institution, emotion, and thought that appears in my world I am in a loving communion with the Spirit of Life that has created and animates me and my world. The prayer ends, "To the eternal happiness of humanity." The goal is to be happy.

It is up to us to bring those qualities of Spirit (Christ Consciousness) into our own personal life -- love, acceptance, and gratitude for What IS.

I wish you a very special day today. And invite you to ask yourself, "How am I using this power to be the king in my own inner life? Am I charging in on the horse of war, or gently riding the donkey of peace?" As I write that line I hear church bells ringing in the distance.

God Bless Us One and All.