Who I am. . .

My photo
Santa Rosa/Chacala, California/Nayarit/Mexico, United States
I live and teach the Toltec Path of Personal Transformation through the articles, audios, and online apprentice program on my website at www.joydancer.com, phone consultations, workshops, Journeys of the Spirit to Teotihuacán in Mexico, and teleclasses. I am the author of The Everything Toltec Wisdom Book, and co-author of two books with Deepak Chopra, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dean Ornish, Bernie Siegel, Prince Charles, and others. I own a home in the sweet little beach village of Chacala, Nayarit, Mexico, and spend the winters there. I invite students to do intensive study with me there, and host a Valentine's Week workshop on Love, Romance, and Relationship each year.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Every Day is Independence Day

This 4th of July weekend, we celebrated the beginning of the independence of the United States of America... along with some bombs bursting in air, and the flag is still there. In much of the modern USA, this weekend was a time to take the boat up to the lake, drink a bunch of beer, get really sunburned, and watch some big fireworks. Now, I'm not saying that isn't a good idea... however....

I'm thinking we could also use this time to remember our own personal independence. My life and work are devoted to Personal Freedom, which I would define like this: Our independence from the social conditioning, childhood programming, and the beliefs and agreements that control much of our lives.

The Big Enforcer of the rules we agreed to long ago ("don't take the last cookie, don't be selfish, be polite, other's people's needs are more important than yours, don't hurt people's feelings, if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all, etc etc etc") is the Inner Judge.

Do you know that character in your mind? He's the one who reminds us to be good, get it right, say the right thing, wear the right outfit, make sure we don't blow it, and generally keeps us in fear of what other people think of us. He believes we have to meet other people's expectations and needs so they will like us, make us happy, love us, not abandon us, and generally make us safe. We learned it all when we were little.

The Inner Judge creates fear in us so we will stay small. He believes the bigger we get the bigger target we are for judgment and rejection. The Judge thinks small is safer. Here is an illustration of the Inner Judge rom TACO, my Online Toltec Community at www.ToltecOnline.com. He has the book of rules for your life, the angelic standard you are supposed to meet, and he is here to tell you where you are failing!

"Hey, I'm talking to YOU!" ©

The Inner Judge is talking to your Wounded Child within, telling him or her what must be done to be acceptable and accepted; to be worthy of the valuable commodity of Love. That precious little being we once were is broken hearted, crying in hurt and cringing in fear, believing all the lies the Judge is telling. Here is the Wounded Victim Child from TACO.

The Child Within is Very Hurt by the Judge ©

If you haven't done so, I invite you to explore TACO at ToltecOnline.com -- the community there is an international gathering of people like you, in search of meaning, peace, and unconditional love in their lives. AND finding it!! TACO is a teaching, learning, and networking website and spiritual community, dedicated to the declaration of our independence and becoming thriving adult Spiritual Warriors. 

First month of TACO membership is $1.00 USD.

A TACO member from the Czech Republic writes:
Thanks to Allan for his teaching in TACO. The concept of the Judge and Victim Child on one side and the Toltec Spiritual Warrior on the other... is a most profound tool for me. It gives me hope. I see immense possibilities... how to understand myself, stop abusing myself, and get in charge of my life.   JW. Prague.
If you feel stuck in your life, if your dreams are sitting on a shelf waiting for you, if your relationships stall out, if you are afraid of being truly intimate in your life, this dynamic between the Judge and Victim Child is probably the cause. Much of what I teach and do is dedicated to freeing human minds from the tyranny of the Inner Judge-- let's not wait!

So please join me in making every day Independence Day! And you don't have to have a ski boat, drink beer, or get sunburned-- simply say "Enough!" to the Inner Judge, and protect that Little Child Within from his lies and hurt. I call that protective and nurturing part of us The Spiritual Warrior, because he is in a battle with the Judge for the attention of the Child Within. It is a battle between fear and rejection... and love and acceptance. Go for it!

In addition to TACO, another resource for exploring this dynamic is my book, The Everything Toltec Wisdom Book, available at Joydancer.com and in many bookstores (hurry, it's getting scarce!).

A book fan from England posted on Facebook:
I've consumed, contemplated, read, practiced a lot of what has been written and taught by don Miguel Ruiz and journeyed with some of his senior students, now teachers in their own right. It took me a while to pick up Allan's book, but once I did, it became a constant companion, read and referred back to... for solace... and challenge. RF, Ryton.
Other resources for support: If you live close enough to Sonoma County or Sacramento, California, join me for these upcoming lectures and workshops:

Sunday, July 10: My birthday, and Keynote talk at the Healing Arts Festival, Sacramento, CA, 1:00 pm. I'll be there all day.

Monday, July 11: "Here Come da Judge" -- two hours, 7:30 - 9:30 pm, Santa Rosa, CA. $25.

Thursday/Friday, July 28-29, two full days! "The Ultimate Therapy: Healing the Drama of the Inner Judge and Victim Child."

So let's make this and every day our Independence Day! Become the loving, accepting, nurturing, protecting, powerful inner Spiritual Warrior -- and say "enough" to the tyranny, abuse, and sabotage of the Inner Judge! 

Declare Independence, light a fire (works)!

More on the subject at www.joydancer.com

And so it is.
