This is an edited excerpt from one of the three weekly chats with Allan Hardman that take place in the Toltec Apprenticeship Community Online(TACO) available at Allan Hardman's website www. joydancer.com
This is an edited excerpt from one of the three weekly chats with Allan Hardman that take place in the Toltec Apprenticeship Community Online(TACO) available at Allan Hardman's website www. joydancer.com
Marianne: I wonder if we could go over exactly what is happening when fear grips us TACOallan… at some point… maybe a slow motion version
Allan Hardman:
Hmmmm….like a step by step….
Let’s see:
1. a situation, or event occurs in the universe.
2. The light from that event travels through space, the exact messenger of the event
3. the light from that event enters the channels of perception
4. The light picks up stored light in the channels of perception, and is distorted.
5. The mind sees the distorted version of the light and believes it is really what happened out there.
6. According to the habits and programming of the mind and what stored light was added to the incoming truth/light, an emotional reaction will occur in the physical body.
7. The mind will further believe the emotional reaction was caused by the event in the universe/creation.
8. thus, the mind strengthens its own belief in its distortions, contributing to increasing distortions and emotions later
9. We say that the Parasite is the source of the distortions
10. The parasite lives/feeds on fear
11. It is important to the parasite that the human it lives off of exeriences fear.
12. The parasite has the capacity to distort the incoming light in ways that create fear.
13. An important part of the parasite is the Judge, who is very capable of distorting perceptions to create fear.
14. The part that is afraid is the child, who grew up with the judge and the fear that he/she was not okay, not enough, and would die unless he/she figured out how to get it right.
15. He/she could never get it right.
16. And the judge reminds him/her that he/she never will get it right.
17. And the parasite eats the fear of the child.
18. And the fear creates more fear
19. And the parasite grows stronger
20. The warrior knows only love, and feeds the parasite love.
21. The parasite isn’t interested, wrong food
22. The warrior persists.
23. In time, the parasite remembers that its food is not fear, its emotions.
24. when the parasite begins to feed on love instead of fear, it can be healed
25. The warrior must be patient and persistant without expectations or attachments to the outcome.
26. When the parasite is feeding only on love, it becomes our ally.
27. An ally supports our highest good, with love and acceptance of the truth of who and what we truly are.
28. At that point, the parasite and ally and warrior and child slowly merge to become THE JOYDANCER ~ DANCING IN JOY WITH LIFE.
29. And so it is.
30. thank you
In this actual chat, which is available on the chat transcripts within the TACO website, there were actually 8 or so apprentices all asking other questions and responding to these individual responses that in this particular case, Allan numbered for us in response to my question, and also in between responded to the many other questions from the others in the group... which is typical. The TACOchat is only one of the many learning tools available at TACO and the opportunities for engaging spiritual conversation with Allan and other apprentices in a forum that honors your distinct spiritual awakening among people all over the planet, at any time of day or night as is convenient for anyone, is a tool so crafted to be available and present for each seeker, it is truly a glory of God today.
Allan Hardman is a joy to behold. For me, it was helpful that he was not someone from another culture. He is a regular guy who grew up somewhere in Southern California, listened to the rolling stones, was once a beekeeper, and YET he is a Spiritual Master of such magnitude, there is no path he is afraid to walk to meet you if you are seeking. I hope for any one of my friends, that you can offer yourself the gift of such a wonderful Master of Love! The toltec teaching and language is also so playful, not at all a dogma, but a mere imagination to explore within yourself, take what works and move on...